David Harbour: The Oprah of Darkness
Though I'm a little late to the game, David Harbour (Stranger Things, Hellboy, Revolutionary Road) gave a fantastic interview to Sam Jones on the Off Camera show/podcast back in April. Showing himself to be passionate, thoughtful, intelligent, and empathetic, Harbour addressed a wide range of acting topics from his method of acting, to making room for a wider range of personalities, to his struggles with alcoholism and mental illness.
And so I just want people to feel more of that freedom that their character identities aren't necessarily defined by their emotions or their thoughts. There's something that's intrinsic to the reptilian brain and to the unconscious that is always going to be an uncontrolled animal, that's going to feel certain things that are irrational and they're not okay. And whenever we don't allow that to happen I think its gonna seep out in other ways.
DAvid Harbour on Allowing room for the weirdos
And you can pair this in-depth conversation with Harbour's now famous speech at the 2017 Screen Actor's Guild Awards.